So yesterday was the annual corn maze event for the JoKeRMob. For the past 3 years (this makes 4), we've gone out to Amherst and split up guys against girls and navigated the maze. We also try to pick apples when we can, and yesterday we did that too. (I LOVE Jonagold apples that are fresh picked! So much better than what you get at the store!)
The theme for this year's maze was baseball and the 1948 World Series. The maze was of a baseball player. The girls all 'talked' before hand, and our plan was to use the Maze-o-vision glasses that Lynn had, along with copies of the maze printed out to find all of the stations within the maze. From what I understand, the boys 'talked' too, and pretty much got caught up on the trivia as well as printed out copies of the maze to navigate. Jim went so far as to change his email password so that Susan couldn't read what the boys were saying. Hilarious!
The weather yesterday wasn't perfect-it was drizzling and a bit on the chilly side. But being the JoKeRMob, we went ahead. (Whether rain, sleet, sun or snow, the JoKeRMob events are always a go!) We navigated the maze to the best of our abilities, and I must say, that we ladies did much better than we have in the previous runs. We were able to find all but 2 stations before the men were on the bridge mocking us. Next year is our year, girls!
After the maze we went back to Brian and Lynn's for pizza and entertainment. They have a Wii and they decided to show us what it could do. It was fun watching and playing the different games. Who knew that cow racing could bring Lynn to tears?! It definitely was a fun evening. Joe's claiming Wii elbow today. It's not my fault he had to rematch against me in bowling!
I'm thinking that a Wii might be on my list of things to purchase someday. It really was a bunch of fun, and I could see us using it a lot more than our PS2 or XBox. Probably because the games were much more amusing to me. Don't know. Just a guess. Before yesterday I was really wanting a touch iPod, the games on that can be fun, and it would be nice to listen to fun music when roadtripping to Nashville/Hopkinsville. Cassettes of hair bands just don't cut it for me. I need a mixture of music! I suppose an iPod still might be on the list, but I'd probably take a Wii first. Now if only I had a 'real' job so I could purchase these!